Read over the criteria for Assignment 1. Take a look at the possible scholars and/or concepts/topics. Then, choose either a scholar or a topic/concept and begin to explore them/it. You might find a quote or an article that piques your interest. In your blog post, practice creating a short summary of what you have found. Then, finish up your blog post by outlining some next steps and possible directions for your first assignment. For reference: You should spend about two paragraphs summarizing what you’ve discovered, and one short paragraph outlining your next steps.
Love and The Curriculum
The article “The Curriculum Is in Us” written in 2022, focuses on how to implement cyphers into the curriculum to allow vulnerability and relationship growth post-pandemic (Naputi et all., 2022) . Cyphers are described as how students freely contribute personal experience to respond to a question or reading (Naputi et all., 2022) . Through this activity, students build teacher-student relationships as well as student-student relationships. The beneficiaries attached to freely communicating about self-expressive topics reduces power relations in the classroom and promotes a safe and comfortable environment (Naputi et all., 2022) .
The article describes, “Normalizing the discussion of love not only interrupts traditional curricula and methods but also centers joy and healing;” (Naputi et all., 2022) the quotation suggests inquiry questions focussed on love as an educational tool promote overall well-being. This article is directly related to the curriculum as praxis because it describes how children connect to the context of life experience to promote healing and relationship liberation within the classroom (Naputi et all., 2022) . Within classroom discussions, students unpack their prior perceptions of love and instinctively discuss what healthy relationships look like situationally. Relationship building is a vital life skill that can be promoted and healthily discussed inside the classroom rather than avoided entirely.
Next Steps
To progress through this assignment, I would begin to research expressing the difficulties of implementing love into curricula and how to acknowledge teacher-student relationships in the classroom. Student-teacher interaction must feel comfortable for all those involved. I would begin to debunk why concepts may be avoided in curricula and how to appropriately discuss them. I may continue to explore what a love-based activity and curriculum look like or how it is already present.
Naputi, Mitchell, D., Pastrana, A., Ross, A., Hernandez-Ruiz, M., Tejeda, A., & Sealey-Ruiz, Y. (2022). The Curriculum Is in Us: Using the Cypher to Create a Love-Based Curriculum for Youth by Youth. Language Arts, 99(6), 402–407.
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