Foam Lake Saskatchewan has been my home since birth and I attended both the local elementary and high school. My Education journey began at Little Champions preschool located within our Elementary school. Preschool is where I met lifelong friends and learned the importance of social interactions.

Photographed above is my preschool graduation photo

From Kindergarten to Grade 6 I attended Foam Lake Elementary school. Since kindergarten, my class remained a very consistent group with few changes. We became very close.  

Photographed above is my Kindergarten class

From Grade 7 to Grade 12 I attended Foam Lake Composite School. My class was full of high achievers.  At my high school graduation ceremony, the principal commented that it was the highest achieving class he had worked with in his career.  This achievement level made for a very competitive classroom, this motivated everyone of us to not only achieve academically but also athletically. I loved sports and played volleyball, basketball, badminton, and flag football on teams throughout high school and often played a leadership role on those teams. 

Photographed above is my Grade 11 volleyball team

My school offered an endless opportunities for my class to bond as a family. We experienced many overnight camping trips, field trips, and various school adventures such as snowshoeing and campfires.

Photographed above is some of my classmates and I on a 4 night canoe trip up north

I graduated from FLCS in a unique way. My class, the class of 2021 was FLCS’s first ever outdoor graduation. We brainstormed ideas to plan a COVID safe but memorable graduation. We included a drive in area to include more guests and a parade to replace our traditional “Grand March.” With only 24 graduating students, we were able to invite guests, bringing normalcy to the experience. Although I wasn’t able to take part in athletics throughout my Grade 12 year, I am thankful for the family my educational journey created.

Photographed above is the traditional cap toss done at our outdoor graduation!

Photographed above is me in our graduation parade

Photographed above is my graduation photo

I am now a fourth-year student at the U of R. I am so thankful for the opportunities this university has offered. I am currently a full-student. I am excited to embark on this new educational journey!