Unfortunately, due to the worldwide pandemic, COVID-19, this was unable to happen. I am looking forward to when I do get to do my first field experience and will most definitely document it in here! So, stay tuned!

One thing that I was able to take away with me this semester is having the opportunity to supervise at Hawrylak Elementary School. I do so over the lunch hour from 11:45am-12:45pm and it has taught me so much! Not only do I get one on one experience with some grade 4 students but also a chance to understand their behaviour and adapt to it. The experience has been good and a little tough at times. I’ve found it to be such a rewarding feeling afterwards though. I don’t teach them any subjects but I’ve learnt how to make bonds with some of the children and have created a few strong ones already! It’s so exciting to me to be able to build a personal relationship with young children. I’ve learnt that once they are comfortable with you, they will talk and talk and talk. There stories are quite interesting, some have even brought up politics and their own opinions on Donald Trump and Joe Biden! It is crazy! But, I love it, and the more I go, the more I want to stay. It has truly been a lucky opportunity and I can’t wait for more in the future.