Week 7: Hip-hop as a Critical Pedagogy

Hip Hop can promote social justice and youth activism as it is a connection between education and youth culture. It is understanding and participating in these cultural aspects of hip-hop that can further both student participation and educator understanding. Considering the impact that hip hop has on youth lives it makes sense that an educator should be bringing it into the classroom. The article mentions how hip-hop is often seen as a leisure activity done outside of school and the education system. Bringing hip-hop into the classroom could create a better school community based on interest and diverse understanding. With a deeper understanding of the origins of hip-hop students, may speak up and advocate further for diverse cultural understandings.

The concept of critical consciousness may be present within students through hip-hop due to their increased interest in learning as well as their own deeper cultural understanding. The article argues that hip-hop carries cultural aspects surrounding “the long history of the Black freedom struggle” (Akom, 2009, p.53), so by gaining an understanding of hip-hop students and educators can also understand the history and different cultural diversities.


Sources Referenced

Akom, A. A. (2009). “Critical Hip Hop Pedagogy as a Form of Liberatory Praxis.” Equity & Excellence in Education, vol. 42, no. 1, 2009, pp. 52–66., https://doi.org/10.1080/10665680802612519.

5 thoughts on “Week 7: Hip-hop as a Critical Pedagogy

  1. Hey Jarhico I enjoyed your blog post! I’ll be honest I haven’t done mine yet or the reading but after reading your post, I now have a renewed interest in the reading! I didn’t think of hip-hop being a bridge between educators and the youth in their classes, very interesting! I wonder if that would be the same for for other types of dance style, or even to work with dance and cultures! It could really bring a classroom together to further their understanding of their peers.
    Thanks again!
    Jada Wright

  2. Hip Hop can bring the community closer through diversity. Along with teaching “Black freedom struggles” as you mentioned. Hip Hop is viewed as something outside of school, but it is a part of its own culture for allowing people to express themselves. Hip Hop is a part of music and allowing students to create their own lyrics can be a healthy outlet. I would like to see more programs offered in the community and school communities for access to Hip Hop – as we read it can be educational and a way to express differences of identity.

  3. Hi Jarhico! I agree that hip-hop is a global topic that should be relevant in classroom discussions as it can help teach both students and teachers more about the impact it has on people’s lives. As you stated, incorporating hip-hop as a critical pedagogy in the classroom can help students develop a deeper understanding of diversity which may influence them to take action and advocate to create an anti-oppressive society. Although it is seen as a concept that takes place outside of school, hip-hop has a major influence on students’ lives and behaviors in school as well.

  4. Hi Jarhico!

    I enjoyed reading your blog. I liked your point about bringing hip-hop into the classroom as a means of diversity and just as something for the community. In education, we see a lot of diversity, whether it is through a student’s physical appearance or through the way they do their work. Diversity is all around us and I agree that hip-hop can be a way to look back at it through a historical context and the multiculturalism within the classroom.

  5. Hey Jarhico,
    I loved reading your post! I agree that bringing hip-hop into a classroom setting will not only make students more involved in learning but also provide them with the opportunity to speak their minds and gain a better cultural understanding. Overall, I loved reading your blog post! Keep up the good work!

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