My journey towards reconciliation started with my realization of the importance of learning together through a connection. The aesthetic piece I created signifies to me the connection between educator and learner as an image of two hands a child’s and an adult. I feel that the first step towards reconciliation within the classroom is understanding and forming connections. As an educator, it is my job to work towards gaining an understanding of my student’s cultures. While incorporating new ways of knowing and learning within my class. Gaining an understanding of diversity and differences within students allows for a foundation of trust. Education does not mean the same thing for every learner; individuals seek different things from their time in school. I believe connection is a key factor in a successful education no matter what it looks like, with connection comes trust. Trust allows for a space that brings with it mutual learning for both me and my students. When a connection is formed within a classroom based on trust, we can all learn something new from each other.