Enhancing Digital Literacy in Our Classroom

“In a “post-truth” era where people are increasingly influenced by their emotions and beliefs over factual information, fact and fiction can be difficult to distinguish, and fake news can spread rapidly through mainstream media sources and social networks. Moreover, fake news is often meant to do harm, by tricking us into believing a lie or unfairly discrediting a person or political movement.”

The paragraph above sums up exactly why we as teachers have an imperative part to play in acquiring the skills required to recognize what is fake vs real. Helping students develop a critical lens of the content they are consuming is an essential skill in the interest of their well-being.

Ways to Implement Digital Literacy in Your Classroom

I intend to work with middle years students – they are likely familiar with social media, advertising, and scammers.

Some potential strategies are:

  • Focus on teaching students investigative techniques that involve using information verification websites like FactsCan, Snopes, as well as tools such as Google’s “search by image” feature or resources like VerificationHandbook.com. Additionally, students can explore professional fact-checking methods, such as reading laterally—cross-referencing multiple websites instead of delving deeper into a single site.


          • During major events, newscasters and bloggers will post updates and recordings from people actually on the scenes of the events
            • Rather than reading the polished versions of the stories that are interpreted by the editors.

Curriculum Ties

NCTE Framework


Photo References:







Posted by Jaylyn Bell

EDTC 300 Student - Learning Project!

One thought on “Enhancing Digital Literacy in Our Classroom”

  1. Holy smokes, this was in depth. I appreciate the work you put in! I certainly learned a lot that I will apply to my practice.


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