One final debate! – EC&I 830 Summary of Learning

I can’t believe how fast this course flew by! It’s been fun engaging in these discussions with everyone! As I’ve said many times throughout the course, I’m not a teacher, and so seeing the perspectives of everyone who’s been one has really opened my eyes a lot. Although, it does make me a little jealous that I haven’t had the chance to be in that position, so I think I’d like to give it a go. Without further ado, welcome to the final debate!

(If the Subway Surfer’s theme gets this video taken down here is an alternate version)

9 thoughts on “One final debate! – EC&I 830 Summary of Learning

  1. I love the format, I thought that was such a cute idea. You must have taken a lot of effort to film yourself. I can imagine the process. I really appreciate your perspective in this course being in a different role. It is clear you’ve done a great deal of active listening (and participating) during the debate. The cellphone debate, although from the lens of student and teacher, captures the difficulties that many of our classmates expressed. I think my big takeway is about trainin when it comes to tech. While I have found my students in need of some training, I selfishly didn’t consider that other educators are not working at the same pace as me when it comes to learning. It isn’t fair for me to judge them when they aren’t able to use technology, that just creates more of a divide. It is my job to be a part of the solution and support those needing help.

  2. Your video was put together in such a creative way. I can imagine it took a while creating a script and filming each part in two perspectives. Your creativity in making these ed-techn issues into a real classroom setting is a brilliant idea. Kids and teachers have many different perspectives and you captured both very well. Well done!

  3. Josh, you did an amazing job with this video! It has been great hearing your perspectives in this course, and I enjoyed working with you on the debate. Good luck with your future classes and have a great summer!

  4. Hello Josh,
    As like always you have excelled making this video. I really enjoyed watching your role play. You managed to pull off playing both sides and established your understandings of contemporary issues of ed-tech. Thank you for sharing and I have learned a lot from you. By the you have great sense of humour. Wish you have a lovely summer holiday.

  5. Your summary of learning for EC&I 830 is insightful and engaging, capturing the essence of your journey through the course. I particularly appreciate your reflections on the debates and how they challenged your perspectives on technology in education. The main takeaway for me is your commitment to integrating technology thoughtfully and ethically in your teaching practice. I am interested to know what specific strategies or tools you plan to adopt in your classroom to ensure technology enhances learning and promotes digital equity?

  6. Hi Josh
    I love your approach to the summary of learning. Acting a dual role is not an easy task. You really captured all the important points on the advantages and disadvantages of using technology. I think it would also be nice if people who are not teachers have adequate understanding of these issues, they might be able to use the knowledge in supporting students to responsibly use these technological tools

  7. I enjoyed watching your summary of learning. The effort of the filming, cutting and then integrating your two parts must have taken a lot of time and give you credit for it. Technology can be viewed as both advantageous and diadvantageous and you have depicted it so well. Thank you.

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