In my classroom, I plan to use a variety of instructional strategies. Some of these include:

  • Discussion
  • Group Learning
  • Role Playing
  • Questioning
  • Demonstrations
  • Learning Centers
  • Games
  • Experiments

In the class I am in, I have already utilized strategies like demonstration, experimentation, and group work. I find that the class I am in benefits a lot from having multiple forms of instruction. Some benefit from direct and others from more interactive demonstration that they can participate in.

Some assessment strategies I want to try in my classroom include:

  • exit slips
  • observations
  • discussion
  • 3-2-1
  • journal reflection
  • checklists

I know that more formal assessments like quizzes and exams have their place in learning, but I want to use more than just that assess students’ learning because not every student responds well to those types of assessment.

Classroom Environment

We have discussed classroom environment a lot in many of the classes I have taken this semester. Some ideas I have for my future classroom involve:

  • Flexible Seating
Is Flexible Seating Right for Your Classroom? | Education World

Students should have options for seating that allow them to move or stand if they need to.

  • Calm Atmosphere
75 Calming School Environment ideas | classroom decor, classroom design,  classroom organization

Things like natural light and neutral colours can help create a more calm and welcoming environment for students to work in. I will also plan to have an open-door policy, specifically between class times so students can feel comfortable utilizing the space.

  • Student Involved Bulletin Boards
Nyla's Crafty Teaching: How to Make Student Work Display Bulletin Boards

Creating bulletin boards where students can display work they are proud of is a great way to involve them in the class and help them feel more engaged and welcome in the room.