Who am I?

Hi, my name is Jessica Chow and my pronouns are she/her. I’m a third year student in the Faculty of Education at the UofR. My major is General Science, and my minor is Inclusive Education. Although I’m studying in Regina, my goal is to move back home to Winnipeg, Manitoba and teach in a high school!

I received a certificate for completing the Indigenous Community Coach Apprenticeship Program!

I was actually born in Omaha, Nebraska, but my family moved to Winnipeg when I was around 2 years old. The Chow’s consist of my parents, Peter and Karen, my older sister Robyn, my younger brother Cameron, and our little pup named Oscar! Plus, I have 3 amazing grandparents, Art, Donna, and Sonia.

My pup Oscar!

Our last family brunch before I moved to Regina!


Despite being the middle child, I’m actually the first to move away for university! It’s been such a big change, but I have a phenomenal support system who has helped ease my transition into post-secondary life.

Starting 11 for the Cougars Women’s Soccer Team!

One of the things I’m most grateful for is my team, the University of Regina Cougars Women’s Soccer Team. Not many people can say they have 30 best friends who they get to see every single day. I’m so lucky to have them by my side because I know what whatever I need, whenever I need it, I can count on them. The most rewarding thing for me has been building meaningful and lasting relationships. The teachers that have impacted me the most were the ones that went above and beyond, and showed me that they had my back. I’ve been fortunate to have had quite a few really great ones, who have only inspired me even more to pursue my dream to teach. They showed me sincerity, respect, humility, commitment, and love. That is the type of teacher I want to become-the teacher that I needed, and many others needed when they were younger.
I hope that within this website, you get a sense of who I am and what I believe in. I’m looking forward to lots of learning and growth throughout my post-secondary career, and I’m excited to start teaching!