I believe…a student’s mental health comes before grades
I believe… each student has strengths and weaknesses
I believe…each student learns differently
I believe…each student shares different morals and values
I believe…each student should respect one another
I believe…respect goes a long way in the classroom
I believe…trustworthy relationships with students is important
I believe…students should have some say in what they are learning
I believe…students can achieve anything they put their mind into
I believe…students can educate teachers
I believe…teachers are to be positive role models for students
I believe…the well-being of a student comes before academic achievement
I believe…school involvement is important for teachers to partake in
I believe…communication between educators and students is crucial
I believe…treaty education is critical to teach to students
I believe…students should not get assimilated into mainstream culture in the classroom and diversity shall prevail