Month: September 2021

What it Means to be a Good Student

To be a “good” student is to comply with the predetermined, embedded ideas that society had established for many years that have now become accustomed to the general population. Kumashiro describes in his article that “the mainstream society often placed values on certain kinds of behaviour, knowledge, and skills.” We see that some of these…

By Jordelle Lewchuk September 27, 2021 0

Historical Silences & The Curriculum

Through the articles “Historical silences and the enduring power of counter storytelling,” “Narrative and analytical interplay in history texts: recalibrating the historical recount genre,” and “Narratives of power: historical mythologies in contemporary Québec and Canada,” we are able to see how power plays such a predominant role in historical narratives. Typically, history is written from…

By Jordelle Lewchuk September 21, 2021 4

Curriculum Theory and Development

Tyler’s rationale that is outlined in Smith’s Curriculum Theory Practice document explains how his idea of curriculum development is greatly “influenced by the rise of scientific management and notions of social efficiency”(13). One main goal of this type of education is to prepare the students for the life that comes after primary and secondary education.…

By Jordelle Lewchuk September 15, 2021 0