Curriculum Theory and Development

Tyler’s rationale that is outlined in Smith’s Curriculum Theory Practice document explains how his idea of curriculum development is greatly “influenced by the rise of scientific management and notions of social efficiency”(13). One main goal of this type of education is to prepare the students for the life that comes after primary and secondary education.…

By Jordelle Lewchuk September 15, 2021 0

The problem of common sense

Kumashiro defines ‘commonsense’ as something that is common knowledge to most people that tells us what we should be doing and how we should be doing it. Typically this “commonsense” reflects the perspectives and explains the values of only certain people in society, commonly the more privileged. This tends to create problems because in different…

By Jordelle Lewchuk August 31, 2021 0

Writing the Self #4: The Natural Look

There was a fruity smell that filled the air. I began working some fruit scented hair product through my damp hair, trying to eliminate some fizz and craziness even though it is inevitable having naturally curly hair. I began getting frustrated. I had just combed thoroughly through my hair, yet as I ran my fingers…

By Jordelle Lewchuk March 15, 2021 1

Writing the Self #3: An Eye-opening Practice

“Go girls!!” “Keep it up!” “Wow, look how you guys stick together!” You could hear some of the teachers chanting words of encouragement from their classrooms as they could hear the in-sync clunking of our shoes on the ground, and more likely than not the heaving breathing that came with the speedy running as we…

By Jordelle Lewchuk March 4, 2021 2

Discussion Provocation #2

White individuals are often raised blind and sheltered from the reality that surrounds our prilleges. Peggy MacIntosh explains how she “was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group.”(MacIntosh, 1). This is also the case for the majority of people which has created a…

By Jordelle Lewchuk March 1, 2021 4


Hello! Welcome to my E-Portfolio! Here you will be able to get a better understanding of who I am, my education philosophies, and my education journey as I continue working towards becoming an educator!

By Jordelle Lewchuk December 1, 2020 1