Education for Ecological Understandings


Illustrator: Adolfo Valle

*See About Me page for Mapping introduction which relates to ecological understandings.

“Narrative writing is the center of a social justice classroom. These snapshots from students’ lives build classroom community and connect their home worlds to the curriculum. Too often these days, though, testing and standards push narratives to the sidelines in favor of argumentative writing.”

Mapping Childhood – Rethinking Schools

“On our last day of school, after a year of uncovering the pain of our world, our classroom was covered with images of what a different world could look like: one of solidarity, connection with the natural world, harmony between peoples and nations, and strong, thriving communities.”

“We Cannot Create What We Cannot Imagine” – Rethinking Schools

“Ecojustice released a statement committing to the following actions:

  • Listening to BIPOC and our allies in the justice movement when they tell us what they need from us,
  • Sharing our platforms to speak out against injustice and amplify the voices of those with lived experience,
  • Adopting hiring and management practices that encourage greater diversity and inclusion within our organization,
  • And continuing, as we have for 30 years, to advocate on behalf of communities who would otherwise be silenced in the fight to build a better earth.

Environmental racism in Canada: What is it & its impact | Ecojustice

“As an enthusiastic young PhD, colonized by the arrogance of science, I had been fooling myself that I was the only teacher. The land is the real teacher. All we need as students is mindfulness. Paying attention is a form of reciprocity with the living world, receiving the gifts with open eyes and open heart. My job was just to lead them into the presence and ready them to hear. On that smoky afternoon, the mountains taught the students and the students taught the teacher.” (222)

Kimmerer, Robin. Braiding Sweetgrass : Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants, Milkweed Editions, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central,