THIS IS IT…PANCIT!! – Pen Spinning Finale


Today is the last day of my Learning Project post. I truly enjoyed this learning project. I have learned a lot from pen spinning tricks, the anatomy of our fingers, to the benefits of pen spinning. To be honest, this learning project humbled me. I thought this learning project will be easy for me since I know one pen spinning trick. I thought I could easily learn the others. However, learning new tricks is so difficult for me. I have to almost re-learn how my fingers work. The first few weeks are actual hell because during my practice sessions, my fingers would just stay still and not move at all! Despite the hardships, every progress is so rewarding knowing that not many people can pen spin! It makes me even happier whenever I master a technique. Even though I did not get to learn more tricks, I am very pleased with my results! The journey does not stop here! I will continue learning and, although no more weekly blog post, I will surely update you all in the future!

Before and after the learning project

Here is the overview of my weekly posts:

Week 1: Learning Pen spinning

This is the introduction to my learning project. Here I have mentioned why I decided to learn pen spinning as my learning project. I also mentioned my where I currently stand in terms of pen spinning and my motivation. Huge shoutout to 52Kard’s tutorial which jumpstarted my learning project!!

Week 2: RIP Fingers! – Pen Spinning 

Following up from 52Kard’s Tutorial, I showed the pen spinning trick that I have always known as well as a showcase of the first pen spinning trick that I learned.

Huge thanks for Jorden and Barbara for your kind words and motivations!!

Week 3: Let’s Make a Modified Pen!

This week I took a break from learning tricks and decided to make a modified pen! These kinds of pens are what pen spinners use. I also wanted to see if my skills will improve if I use a modified pen versus using a regular pen.

I used a couple sources for this blog from these Youtubers:

  • Pen Stock – tutorial for creating a modified although I sort of went with my own.
  • Quiniverse – for the foreshadowing of my next tutorial

I also used Clipchamp for my YouTube video!

Week 3.5: Improving my video editing skills – Clipchamp!

This week we were also tasked to learn a new application that we could use for our learning project, so I decided to use Clipchamp! This week I explained how it is useful for my learning project. Additionally, I also talked about how this application fits in SAMR model.

Week 4: Thumbaround! A Huge Learning Curve!!

This is where it gets really difficult for me! Learning this trick definitely takes time! I had so much difficulty mastering my pen-finger coordination! Quiniverse’s tutorial helped me to an extent, but I knew I needed more help. I also sought some help from WikiHow.

Week 5: So close yet so far!

This was a tough week for me. I caught some flu and could not do any work, but I know if I am not continuing to learn then I will not have any progress! So, I went ahead and searched some pen spinning terms to expand my understanding of the pen spinning world. Huge thanks for this wordpress source that compiles things about pen spinning! This source educated me on some pen spinning terms such as the hand notation.

Week 6: After 84 Years… FINALLY (thumbaround)

This was my breakthrough week. After weeks of practicing the thumbaround, I finally could do a 360 degrees spin!! Huge shoutout to my boyfriend for teaching me how to do the trick since I just do not get the online resources. This week also taught me patience and positive thinking since I was on the verge of giving up, but I pulled through. The end results were fantastic!!

Huge thanks for Robyn and Marcus for your kind replies!

Week 7: A New Challenge – Charge Pen Spinning

After mastering thumbaround, I went ahead and start a new trick to learn for this week. This is actually connected to my 1st pen trick since that one is a simpler version of charge! I used this tutorial from KTrinh93 for this technique!

I though this will be an easy technique to learn but, just like the thumbaround, I surely dedicated a lot of time to learn this skill!

Week 8: It’s getting easier…- Pen Spinning

This post is a follow up to my attempt to learn the “charge” pen spinning technique. I also showcased my preliminary video of the said technique. I also researched about my over-bending fingers and found out about “Hypermobility”

I learned about Hypermobility from Cleveland Clinic. Check it out!

Week 9: I have improved!! – Pen Spinning

My last update prior to this last learning project post. Just like thumbaround, “charge” needs patiences to be learned. The result is so rewarding for me after all the weeks of trying to learn this technique, I finally did it!

Huge shoutout to Kapwing as another resource for me to master “charge” as well as showing me more techniques that I could definitely learn in the future!

Also huge thanks to pen spinning as a new stress reliever. Although pen spinning gave me stress from the start, seeing myself improve in each blog post is truly remarkable!

Huge thanks to Robyn, Amy, and Jean-Paul for your kind words!!






I am very thankful of taking this class because it made me realize the simplest things in life can bring us joy. In my case, pen spinning is a simple trick a person could learn, yet it is so effective in bring me joy and relieving my stress. Huge thanks and shoutout to Professor Katia for this project. I truly enjoyed it! Huge thanks to everyone who commented on my blog! I appreciate your every feedback! Thanks for following me on my journey.

As promised, here is the complete compilation of all the pen spinning tricks that I know:


Thanks everyone! See you soon!

P.S. Pancit is a type of Filipino food. “This is it Pancit” is a type of saying in the Philippines which means “This is it, this is the moment” sort of like a grand finale!

1 thought on “THIS IS IT…PANCIT!! – Pen Spinning Finale”

  1. I love the pen spinning compilation Jozelle! You’ve learned some pretty cool tricks this semester and I’m glad you still plan on continuing to learn more. You picked such a unique topic so it’s been great to see your journey. Thanks for sharing it with all of us and I wish you the best of luck with future pen spinning endeavours! ?

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