The Beginning Requires The Borings

I spent some time this week looking up different things about my camera and wow! Is it old!  It was given to me and I knew it was older but didn’t think it was that old with the Rebel Cannon T1I being released in 2009.  I went through some reviews on it and the consensus is that it is definitely a entry level camera for the beginner photographer.  I think its important to know your equipment in order to

actually get the results that you want. I took photos at my nieces graduation and I don’t really know the settings on the camera and a lot didn’t turn out.  You can’t really try a bunch of settings hoping for the best, suddenly shocked you took terrible pictures.  Ya that was me. Beautiful girl, bad photographer.

These pictures I took at that time were my inspiration to learn this camera and not “hope for the best.”

My husband and I have very different taste in shows. He enjoys war movies, documentaries and comedy I can live without.  This is how the title of unfavorable things

was born, both of us laughing and referring to his shows as “the borings.”  This is very much how I felt today learning about these camera settings.  Now you can understand better why I would’ve done it the wing it way the first time.

One difference I found in the pictures was having the camera stabilizer on or off.  It seems to make a significant difference in the sharpness of the picture.

The automatic exposure setting means that the camera automatically chooses the optimum shutter speed, aperture and ISO settings making  you able to just point and shoot.  An important point was that the balance of these settings determines how the picture turns out.  Lighting all determining which settings should be adjusted, so you avoid over exposed and grainy pictures like the one above.  I took some pictures to practice of the beautiful place I live at Buffalo Pound Lake.

Beautiful Buffalo Pound


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