Need to Know Settings

I spent some time this week learning about what some different terms meant. So much to learn.  There are 3 Basic Terms Every Photographer Should Know.  Aperture, Shutter speed, The ISO Value. The Aperture is like the pupil, the wider it gets, the more light it lets in.  Inside the lens is a round curtain called a shutter, which is normally closed unless the photographer presses the button.  The opening of the shutter is the aperture. A wider aperture allows more light into the camera sensor and vice versa.  The main effect though is on the depth of field.  Narrow aperture creating a deeper background and a wider aperture creates a shallow field.  It’s measured on a funny scale called f stops.  Ex. f/1.4, f/2.8, f/4.  The smaller the number, the wider the aperture.

The Shutter speed is when taking a photo, the shutter opens for a certain amount of time, which can vary, it may last less than a second or a few seconds.  The higher the shutter speed, the shorter the shutter is opened and the less exposure.  Slow shutter means more light comes in but this also creates risk for a blurry photo.  Higher shutter speed allows for a crisper photo although with less light. Night time photos and moving target photos are very dependent on these settings for a successful photo.

The ISO Value is the value regarding  the camera’s light sensor.  A higher ISO means a bigger sensitivity to light.  ISO values are usually 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 5200 and 6400. This makes the photo look grainy and more obvious in low light conditions.  Interior or night photographs requires using a high ISO sensitivity setting or in good lighting, a low ISO value is ideal to prevent graininess.


Left Behind


I think that the way things have grown and evolved with our internet usage, it has left a lot of people in the dust. Certain groups of people that are older, that work in jobs that don’t require the continual learning that constant new technology requires. There is basic things of course like watching YouTube, scrolling Facebook or internet banking.  Without it being required daily, I think people are behind including myself.  I just think of my mom who still refuses to use internet banking and drives to the bank to do things.  Future classrooms are going to need to fully engulf in what technologies are being used to achieve certain things.  Teachers have some tools to use and incorporate into the classroom but it takes time to learn and to practice.  Teachers will use basic things like the Smart board for example, but often as a note tool or lunch time entertainment.  I found this to be true in the different classrooms I worked in. I know that there are teachers that are using these tools to their full advantage but from different discussions, I think there are a few struggles as well!

I think that technologies available are amazing and growing by the minute.  The more digital interaction, the less personal interaction that is required. This is a challenge with so many virtual options available but something that needs to be considered moving forward in our classrooms.  Teachers have their hands full and I think they need a lot of time for their own learning, to really have things become part of the regular day, to be comfortable with each new tech tool that becomes available for the classroom.

Photography Mods

Photofunia is a fun little photo editing app.

A few pictures previously taken, were able to be plugged into the Photofunia app to modify the appearance and add fun little things to the picture.  The different themes the app offers allows you can make different pictures and modifications.  As I was playing around with it, I thought about it being a tool for the classroom.  It could be used for different seasons, bulletin boards and things like that but most of all used for artistic type projects because kids will love a theme!

When logging in, you pick your theme and insert your own files which was a lot of fun playing around with different photos.

Christmas Theme        Lots You Can Do With Pictures.

Baby Theme

You can also see what’s going on with their blog, or take advantage of different App stores where you can get Photofunia for all of your devices if you love it that much!