Coming in at #1

There are so many things to learn about the camera and proper lighting, its a bit overwhelming!  The number one thing for successful pictures is definitely your lighting. There are many different types of lighting equipment that can assist you with photography depending on where your located, whether its sunny, overcast or in studio photos. There is lots of information and tips for beginner photographers. It seemed to be a similar consensus that natural daylight is the best lighting because of its broad spectrum.  Lighting is a bit more complicated than I expected as it isn’t  given a second thought in our everyday lives.

I have tried taking random pictures at different time of the day, making a wild guess has occasionally worked out for me, but a repeat performance never turns out.  Overcast lighting is a great time for photos if you have things set where they need to be.  I experienced taking some photos but if you don’t know the settings properly on your camera, the pictures do not turn out.    My husband and I were in Waterton National Park over the break in October.  I took some photos but still felt like it was hit and miss if I thought they were great or not with lighting.  Within seconds of each other too so that always doesn’t make sense to me.  I took some of the beautiful hotel on the hill and some amazing scenery as well.

There was so many beautiful places to take pictures there.  I find it difficult with the camera and the small screen and then transferring the photos to the computer often looks different as well.  I find it easier to take nature pictures.  I can take photos of my own kids or family and feel ok about it.  Important pictures like graduation photos, are going to have to wait until I can get a lot more practice with learning proper lighting scenarios.

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