Final Learning Network Post

Starting out this semester, I was intimidated by all the things we were going to be expected to do online.  I definitely think it’s important to get to know what some of these platforms are.  I can honestly say that I had not heard of the majority of them.  I graduated 1997, so that’s the first clue why I’m a bit lost haha.  I think that commenting on other peoples posts is encouraging and gives a lot of insight when people have ideas to share to make things better.  The suggestion at the beginning to keep track and to be thinking about the expectation for the end was very valid advice.  I apparently thought this was a good thing to do but then didn’t do it.  Hmmm.  I made comments on my classmates posts and shared with a classmate about her blog issue.  I used light shot to screen shot these posts so not sure why their blurry. (storey of my life with technology) I unfortunately don’t have a lot of other platforms I assisted on.  This is an area I can add to my needs improvement pile!  None the less, I enjoyed reading my classmates posts about their learning journeys throughout EdTec300.

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