More Photo Ed – Week 7

This week I went onto different websites looking for instruction or how to classes that offered a bit more options for learning.  The Photography beginner masterclass that I found at, was a cost to buy the course but seems like they have a lot to offer in terms of breaking everything down into separate how to videos on their welcome page.  With the purchase of their courses they promise you will be able to take amazing photos taken in different scenarios like family portraits, landscapes, aerial, wildlife and much more.

The course includes 31 0n-demand videos, different assignments, 66 articles to read, 44 downloadable resources, access on mobile and Tv as well as a certificate of completion.  When you first look at the site, there are 44 sections that have a short preview lectures of the course downloads.  Reviews are good for the cost and offering of this course.

The next one I looked into was Learn Photography Canada, advertising hands-on photography courses. Their front page boasting, taking you from photography zero, to photography hero, one day at at time.  They offer 12 course options, 6 online and 6 in person classes. The digital 1 Beginner photography course offers teaching you how to use your camera in full manual mode, using a night lens and using angles.  

The course has a list of what it offers starting with how to use your camera, fundamentals of photography, shutter speed, aperture, and Iso and how they work together. Depth of field, shutter priority mode, aperture priority mode, low light photography using Iso, white balance, lens distortion and compression, choosing the right lens for the job, learning the foundations of composition and more.

One thing that I liked the best was their flexible scheduling.  They offer small group options of up to eight people or you can also do one on one sessions fully on your own. Their is also convenient times that they offer on the weekends for either 3 or 6 hour sessions.  Once you book the sessions with Learn Photography Canada, you have access as well to the complete online courses so that there is incredible post-course learning available to access whenever.  This course seems to have more options and people often prefer the personal instruction, especially at the beginning when a person is just getting to know how their camera works. The cost for this beginner course section is $297 compared to the first course at for a sale of $14.99.  The other sections cost the $297 as well .  Depending how serious you are about getting good at photography, this one would be my choice.


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