Learning Summary – Week 10

Learning Summary Wrap up. So podcast it is.

I chose learning my camera/photography for my learning project.  There was so much to learn about the camera settings and a ton of things to learn about lighting. I was surprised how much information there was and all the options for equipment.  These things are good to know if you want to learn how to take great photos. I do like photography but I can’t say I would pick this subject again for my learning project. It was a lot of technical information to learn and everything works together to take good photos.  Without learning about lighting and what equipment you sometimes need; you can’t make decisions about what would be best for different shoots without practicing and educating yourself on it.

I originally chose this learning project, because I was so unhappy with photos that I took when my niece was graduating. We were in Crescent Park in Moose Jaw when we started and ended up out at Buffalo Pound lake after that.  In the park it was really bright and I could have used a block for the sun I have now learned.  It was great daylight except for where we were taking pictures at the time, it was directly on us.  We were doing the photos at the end of June and there was a lot of forest fires going on at that time. We took a short break to eat and then the sun was clouded over from the smoke.  The pictures came out hazy and the lighting was terrible.  You can see in the pictures how smoky it was so not the best.

Once I got going I realized how many things that I needed to spend time on in order to have successful shoots.  I guess it was more than I bargained for. I would choose something different because it wasn’t that fun just researching techniques, equipment and lighting that is important to know.  I did take pictures on my trip with my husband during the winter break, and around my home at the lake. I found without understanding why two identical shots turn out differently or why the light or colors are off, leaves me still confused and needing to learn what I’m doing wrong.  Taking photos all the time is key to getting better for sure but I really felt I needed to lay the ground work.

I will continue to practice taking photos but I would choose something different for my learning project if I had another opportunity.



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