Photography Mods

Photofunia is a fun little photo editing app.

A few pictures previously taken, were able to be plugged into the Photofunia app to modify the appearance and add fun little things to the picture.  The different themes the app offers allows you can make different pictures and modifications.  As I was playing around with it, I thought about it being a tool for the classroom.  It could be used for different seasons, bulletin boards and things like that but most of all used for artistic type projects because kids will love a theme!

When logging in, you pick your theme and insert your own files which was a lot of fun playing around with different photos.

Christmas Theme        Lots You Can Do With Pictures.

Baby Theme

You can also see what’s going on with their blog, or take advantage of different App stores where you can get Photofunia for all of your devices if you love it that much!

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