Winnipeg Community Based Resources for Children, Youth and Families

Overnight Shelters and Safe Spaces


The Link YRC 159 Mayfair: 24/7, 12-21 years overnight shelter with food, showers, counselling, advocacy and referrals; 10 beds in separate, enclosed bedrooms available for youth ages 12-20, all genders welcome. 204-477-1804 or 1-888-477-1804

Ndinawe Tina’s Safe Haven 472 Selkirk: 24/7, 13-24 years safe space and resource centre 204-417-7233

Rossbrook House 658 Ross: 10a-12a M-Th; 24hrs Sa-Su + holidays (including July and August), 6-24 years safe space and drop-in with food, safe rides 204-949-4090

WE24 430 Langside: 11p-7a, 13-26 years safe space with overnight stays, food, clothing, safe rides 204-333-9681


Ikwe Widdjiitiwin: for women and their children who have experienced domestic violence 1-800-362-3344

Willow Place: for women and their children who have experienced domestic violence 204-615-0313


Daytime Drop-Ins


1JustCity Oak Table 109 Pulford: 12-3p M-Th; 9:30a-11:30a F, food, washroom, health and wellness programs, skill development opportunities, culturally sensitive supports for mental wellness and addictions, 204-416-2240

1JustCity West Broadway 222 Furby: 4-6p M-Th; 1-3p W; 12-4p F, food, healthy family programs 204-774-2773

1JustCity West End 365 McGee: 12:30-3p daily, food, washroom, health and wellness programs, Indigenous cultural programming, 204-995-2944

DMSMCA Resource Centre 823 Ellice: 1-6p M-F door service; 3-5p M-F drop-in, with water, coffee, snacks, hygiene/harm reduction supplies, socks, computer/printing/copies/faxes, service referrals, 204-774-7005

Lighthouse Mission669 Main: 9a-3:30p M-Th; 1-8p F, food, washroom, clothing 204-943-9669

One88188 Princess: 10a-2p M-Th; 10a-1p F, coffee, food, phone, shower, laundry, 204-504-8118

Our Place Safe Space823 Ellice: 4-10p F, food, computers, hygiene and harm reduction supplies for sex workers, lived experience, victims or survivors of exploitation or trafficking

Sunshine House 646 Logan: 1-4:30p, 6-9p M/W; 11a-4p Tu/Sa; 11a-3p Su *6-9p M/W is 2SLGBTQ+ focused, food, washroom, shower, clothing, harm reduction supplies, 204-783-8565

Union Gospel Mission320 Princess: 11:30a, 2-4p, M-F; 7:30p daily; 10a-6p Sa, food, coffee, washroom, shower, 204-943-9904


The Link Youth Hub 175 Mayfair: 8:30a-7p M-F; 10a-4p Sa, snacks, activities, and resources for youth under 25, 204-477-1722

Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY) 125 Sherbrook: 1-4p M-F, coffee, food, computers, wifi, basic needs, harm reduction supplies for youth under 29, 204-775-4988


Mount Carmel Clinic Sage House 422 Dufferin: 12-7p M-F, food, washroom, shower, harm reduction supplies, primary health and cultural supports, skill building and support group for women engaging in survival sex work 204-272-0838

North End Women’s Centre 394 Selkirk: 8:30a-4:30p M/Tu/Th; 12-4:30p W; 8:30a-4p F, food, washroom, phone, harm reduction, safer sex and hygiene supplies, baby supplies, info and referrals, 204-589-7347

North Point Douglas Women’s Centre 221 Austin: 9a-12p, 1-4p M/T/W/F; 1-5p Sa, food, beverages, washroom, phone, computers, clothing, hygiene and baby supplies, smudging and traditional medicines, info and referrals, 204-947-0321

Velma’s House 154 Sherbrook: 9a-12a M-F; 9a-9p Sa-Su, food, beverages, washroom, shower, laundry, clothing, hygiene and harm reduction supplies, access to an Elder and traditional medicines, information and referrals, 204-560-3007

West Central Women’s Resource Centre 640 Ellice: 9a-4:30p M/W/F; 12:30-6p T/Th; 9a-12p Sa, food, coffee, washroom, shower, laundry, phone, computer, hygiene/harm reduction supplies, traditional medicines, info/referrals 204-774-8975


Mobile Outreach


Downtown Community Safety Partnership Downtown: 24/7, 204-947-3277 or 211

Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY) Citywide: 12-5p M-F, 204-391-2209

Salvation Army Citywide: hours vary; 204-995-2410


Mount Carmel Clinic Sage House North End/Downtown: 12-7p M-F, 204-272-0838

North End Women’s Centre North End/Downtown: 1-4p M/Th/F; 9a-12p Tu, 431-374-8726


Bagged Meals

Agape Table 364 Furby: 7-11a M-F, 204-783-6369

Andrews Street Family Centre 220 Andrews: 12p M-F, 204-589-1721

Holy Trinity 256 Smith: 11a-1p Tu/Th, 204-942-7465 x4

Missionaries of Charity 167 Aikins: 9:30-10:45a M/W/F/Sa, 204-582-2773

North End Women’s Centre 394 Selkirk: 11:45a M, 204-589-7347

NorWest Co-op Community Food Centre 103-61 Tyndall: 12-1:30p M/W/F; 5:30-6:30p Th, 204-615-3117

Thrive Community Support Circle 555 Spence: 11:30a M/W/Th/F, 204-772-9091

West Central Women’s Resource Centre 640 Ellice: 12p M/W/F; 5p Tu/Th; 10a Sa, 204-774-8975



Centre Flavie 450 Provencher: 9a-1p M-F, 204-231-9513

Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY) 125 Sherbrook: 1-4p M-F, 204-783-5617

Siloam Mission Clothing Room 300 Princess: M-Sa 9:45a-12:30p; M-Th 4:30-7:30p, 204.956.4344

Wolseley Family Place 222 Furby: 9-12p & 1-4p M/Tu/Th/F; 1-4p W; 204-788-8052


24/7 Washrooms

222 Furby near Crossways in Common

185 Young near Broadway Neighbourhood Centre

75 Martha at Henry near Main Street Project

473 Selkirk near Powers/Selkirk Park


Health and Wellness


Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre 181 Higgins: Free foot care by appointment 204-925-3700

ACCESS Downtown, 640 Main: 9a-4:30p M-F, health and social services hub with harm reduction and safer sex supplies, washroom, phone, COVID-19 vaccine appointments, 204-940-3638

ACCESS Norwest, 785 Keewatin: 9a-8p M-F, 9a-5p Sa/Su/holidays, primary care, foot care, Indigenous health, naloxone, counselling, nutrition and family care, 204-938-5900

Artbeat Studio, 207 Portage Place: 11a-5p M/T/W/F, free art drop-in with supplies, oriented to adults with mental health challenges, 204-947-9577

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM) 1031 Portage:  24/7 Addictions helpline, 1-855-662-6605; 24/7 Problem Gambling Helpline, 1-800-463-1554

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) 930 Portage: Mental health services and navigation 204-775-6442

Central Neighbourhoods 231 Isabel: 5-9p Tu/Th/F, harm reduction, hygiene, snacks, basic needs supplies at door; hot meal Thursdays 204-558-5212

Crisis Response Centre 817 Bannatyne: 24/7 walk-in or phone assessment and treatment for those in mental crisis, along with referrals to other mental health services, 204-940-1781

Eagle Urban Transition Centre (EUTC) 200-275 Portage: Assists First Nations people transitioning to the city to access appropriate resources such as housing, education, employment, addictions, legal, family, and health, 204-956-0610

Family Doctor Finder: 8:30a-4:30p M-F, 204-786-7111 or 1-866-690-8260

Health Links – Info Santé: 24/7 Team of registered nurses trained to triage health issues by phone with service available in more than 100 languages, 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257

Health Outreach and Community Supports (HOCS): M-F 8:30a-4:30p, Mobile services for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and facing complex health challenges. 204-794-3804

Klinic Community Health 167 Sherbrook: 9-7:30p M-Th; 9-4p F; 10a-4p Sa, primary health care, counselling and health education. 204-784-4090 during business hours; 24/7 Crisis Line at 204-786-8686

Mount Carmel Clinic 886-888 Main: 9a-5p M/W/F; 9a-8p Tu/Th, primary health, foot care clinic, pharmacy, washroom, computer, harm reduction supplies, foot care; Teen Clinic 4-8p Th; STBBI Walk-In Clinic 1-4p M-F

Native Addictions Council of Manitoba (NACM)160 Salter: 5-week healing program for addictions through traditional Indigenous practices, 204-586-8395

Nine Circles 705 Broadway: 9a-5p M-F; primary care, social support, education and prevention, with expertise in care and treatment of HIV, Hepatitis C and other STIs, 204-940-6000 or 1-888-305-8647

Sara Riel 101-66 Moore: community-based support to persons who experience issues with mental illness or mental health challenges including substance use disorders and addictions, 204-237-9263 x149. 24/7 Warm Line 204-942-9276

Siloam Mission 300 Princess: Saul Sair Health Centre for shelter and drop-in guests offering primary care, dentistry, optometry, foot care, massage, physio and more, 204-956-4344

Street Connections 496 Hargrave: 8:30a-4:30p M-F, Harm Reduction/Safer Sex Supplies and information; Naloxone 204-981-0742

Sunshine House 646 Logan: 1-4:30p, 6-9p M/W; 11a-4p Tu/Sa; 11a-3p Su *6-9p M/W is 2SLGBTQ+ focused. Washroom, shower, harm reduction supplies, and “Street Feet” foot care by appointment 204-783-8565

Women’s Health Clinic 419 Graham: 9a-8p M-W; 9a-8:30p Th; 9a-4p F; 10:30a-3p Sa, Harm Reduction/Safer Sex supplies, washroom, phone, appointment bookings for STI testing, birth control, abortion services, phone counselling call 204-947-1517. Intake for midwifery, call 204-947-2422 x307


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Program Centralized Intake, 65 St. Mary’s: For children and adolescents aged 3-18 years experiencing emotional or behavioural concerns and symptoms of mental illness. Parents, caregivers, doctors, counsellors can make a referral. Self-referrals are also accepted. 204-958-9660

Huddle Broadway 533 Broadway: M-Th 12:30-4:30p, safe space programming for 2SLGBTIA+ youth ages 12-29. Health, counselling, cultural support, harm reduction supplies, snacks, Wi-Fi, phone charging, foosball and more, 204-688-1987

Huddle Ka Ni Kanichihk 102-765 Main: 10a-7p M-F, safe space with Indigenous cultural programming for youth ages 12-29. Health, counselling, cultural support, harm reduction supplies, snacks, Wi-Fi, phone charging and more, 204-688-1987

Huddle Norwest 103-61 Tyndall: 11a– 6:30p M-F; 9:30a-5p Sa, safe space programming for youth ages 12-29. Mental health, primary care, addictions, employment, recreation, crafting, food, 204-221-9800

Huddle South Central 2-17 St. Mary’s: 10a-7p M-F, Bilingual (English/French) Safe Space programming for youth ages 12-29. Health, counselling, cultural support, harm reduction supplies, snacks, Wi-Fi, phone charging, foosball and more, 204-688-1987

Marymound 442 Scotia: Services to support youth who have experienced sexual abuse, exploitation, crisis or addictions, 204-338-7971

The Link Youth Crisis Services 159 Mayfair: 24/7 crisis supports to help stabilize youth, while also ensuring emotional, physical & cultural safety and wellness for everyone in the home, 204-949-4777 or 1-888-383-2776