Discussion Provocation #1

January 26, 2021 3 By Kacie

“We are all treaty people”. I have heard this more than once throughout the 13 years of schooling. I never really understood what it meant until I talked to some relatives. On my fathers side there is a long line of Metis peoples, my siblings and I are apart of the long history. I have come to learn that when one says ‘we are all treaty people’ it has multiple meanings for different people. The thing that made most sense to me was that when people say that they are stating that in attempt to emphasize that everyone has Treaty rights and responsibilities. What this means is that everyone has the responsibilities that Indigenous / Treaty people have. Whether that be passing on knowledge, sharing oral stories an Elder or another Treaty person told them and sharing their knowledge on past traditions in attempt to keep those traditions alive. Since we all live on some parts of sacred land we should be respecting it and education ourselves more. Some people find this saying to be offensive or controversial due to it ignoring the social, political and economical devastation that Indigenous peoples and communities went through.

When it comes to understanding myself as a Treaty person, I believe that it is important to do research. However, while doing this research I would use the internet as my last resort. I would try to speak with Elders, or if I was able to, try to talk to chiefs as well. After that i would talk to any Indigenous / Treaty individual that could give me insight on their past so I can better understand mine.