As an initial reaction to ChatGPT I feel it is one of an amazing invention where its a fascination for anyone who tries it. As an educationist it has unlimited scope attached to it which is all ready to do wonders for this generation. The way it has made possible for everyone to just find any kind of desired information on a single click is just remarkable! As a tool, ChatGPT is capable of having a conversation with the human beings and is all eligible to fulfill the learning demands. As teachers it is without any doubt fully capable to provide the desired knowledge but with it I have a strong feeling that it is also around with a limited scope of learning for both students and teachers as it will restrict that learning struggle at both the ends and will be able to produce the information which is just stored in it.
For the other AI tools mentioned there is no doubt in it that it is mind boggling to see that how easy and time saving life has become just with the introduction of so many tools. One of an example for that is LEX which isĀ there to support voice-based interactions, allowing users to interact with bots using their voice or how recut can be used in multiple ways by content creators for content creation and editing. My personal favorite would be RSS reading tool which is effective for staying up-to-date with the latest content from your favorite websites and organizing your reading in a more efficient way. Also many other tools like Tome, Otter or Synthesia alot of usage can be taken on daily basis but it is also very important to introduce these tools in a way where majority can use these tools to understand about the apt usage !