For this last class, we started with a quick Kahoot-style game on assessment, which I ended up getting first place (yay). After this, we had some discussion on the assessment plans that we were going to be grading as well as a chance to ask questions about the upcoming interviews and anything else. For the rest of the class we just worked by ourselves to grade the 7 plans and to self-reflect on our papers. This last class was very chill as it is the end of the semester and I think everyone is at that point where we are all super tired and ready for a break, I know I am because I made the ever-so-wise decision to move apartments during this time on top of having projects due and working (never again haha). I had such a great time in this class this semester, this class was really nice to sit and listen in for the discussions as well as just learning lots about assessment.



ps. I have not cried yet but it will happen haha