

Hi! My name is Kari McNabb and I am in school to become a science/math teacher within the Secondary Ed program. Some things about me are that I like to read, cook/bake, hang out with my friends, play DnD, and lots of other things. All through my life I have kind of worked with people as I was a lifeguard for a few years as well as a student educator at a daycare, but currently I work retail and tutor kids who have learning disabilities online. In my free time, you would generally find me working at my desk on projects, at the gym, out and about in the city doing random errands, or having a nap (which is definitely the most likely option). I graduated from high school in 2021 as an honor roll student and now I am a third-year university student. I am really excited to start getting into internships soon, and being very close to graduation seems crazy to me as I still can’t believe I am a third-year student some days.