Canada is one of the most well-known multicultural countries, and with that comes many languages. Most people will speak English (obviously) with the French language being an addition many people know as well since Canada has two official languages, but we as teachers have to go beyond that as many of our students could speak languages we haven’t even thought of. Because of this, they often feel left out when doing speaking assignments, or when educators discuss the French language (as it is often times required in some schools) so we need to be able to engage our multilingual students. A way we could create more engagement is by encouraging the use of their home language in junction with the language of the classroom so that the students are able to view themselves in a positive light. Another way we as educators could help engage is by learning the different languages with the guide of the students, such as learning a new word or two from a specific language each day so that at the end of the year/semester you and your students have learned new languages. Another way we could help engagement is by encouraging working dually in the languages a student may know, so being able to have projects in dual languages as well as allowing students to research/work in their home language.