Here I have my assessment of assessment results.
1- What is your full name? (first, last): Kari McNabb
2- Hey Kari McNabb, at what level are you planning to teach?: Secondary
3- Kari McNabb, what do you think is your favorite subject to teach?: Science
4- How important do you believe ASSESSMENT is in education?: 8
5- : Yes
6- Describe what assessment and evaluation mean to you.: Assessment and evaluation to me is how we can see where students are in their literacy and to make sure that we can catch/support anyone who may be struggling. These two terms also mean to me a grading scale that could be harmful as sometimes grades, especially if they are on the lower spectrum, can affect a student in many ways so I think that assessment and evaluation may not always be fair to everyone
7- At this point, how much are you enjoying this assessment?: Pretty good.
8- Why do you think assessment and evaluation are used within the education system?: in grading scales and to see students understandings and literacy
9- Describe a couple of good assessments, and not so good assessments, that you have experienced as a student. How did these assessments affect you?: A good assessment to me is one that shows a students work, time, and effort in what they are being assessed on. A bad one is where the focus is on if you were correct or not and not even looking at the work that was done to get the answer. These assessments affected me a lot, with the good one being a class that ended up supporting me as best as possible whereas the bad one made me very anxious and not okay mentally