In our learning circle discussion, we were discussing the last few chapters of our textbooks and what we really thought of them as we enjoyed most of the book and it gave some really good examples/tips for assessment. We covered a wide range of topics related to teaching practices, student engagement, and assessment methods as well as sharing our experiences with assessment as both to-be teachers and past students. We also discussed our observations, highlighting the importance of fostering an environment where it’s acceptable to ask for help and make mistakes as everyone does make mistakes (even teachers haha). We discussed the value of teachers being honest and actively engaging with students, whether through reading aloud or providing positive reinforcement. The discussion also followed how the progress of students can be followed in various ways with the main one being portfolios (as we all do portfolios ourselves). In this discussion of portfolios we also explored various assessment techniques, including hands-on activities, noting their benefits and potential drawbacks. Overall, the conversation emphasized the significance of building connections with students and creating a supportive learning environment.