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Category: ECS 401

Talking About Shapes

Talking About Shapes

Talking About Shapes For this activity, we had to write about the shapes on things like how they looked and how they were different. I wrote; Shape A was more shaped like a square whereas B is more shaped like a rectangle Shape B looks smaller Shape A has equal sides whereas B does not Shape A is longer on one side compared to B but B is longer on the other side when compared  

My Growth Mindset

My Growth Mindset

After doing the growth mindset quiz, I got a score of 24, which is a strong growth mindset and I have to agree with my results as I feel like you must work to grow and that things (be it your ability to do something or your intelligence) can be changed with that work and effort you put towards it.

Assessment Literacy Results

Assessment Literacy Results

In this post I have my assessment literacy results, and when doing said quizzes I used my experience as a soon-to-be teacher as well as a tutor to get the results I did In my results, my “Where are we going” was low whereas the next three were significantly better as I utilized those more so in my tutoring sessions.