Circle Time #5

Circle Time #5

In our learning circle discussion, we were discussing the last few chapters of our textbooks and what we really thought of them as we enjoyed most of the book and it gave some really good examples/tips for assessment. We covered a wide range of topics related to teaching practices, student engagement, and assessment methods as well as sharing our experiences with assessment as both to-be teachers and past students. We also discussed our observations, highlighting the importance of fostering an…

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Class Summary 6

Class Summary 6

During class this week we had a focus on assessment and how it looks through classrooms, as we got to watch many videos pertaining to assessment as well as what not to do. We also got together with our circle time groups and discussed the last chapters of the textbook. I enjoyed the videos we watched as it gave a really good idea about how certain tools (like 2 Stars and 1 Wish) work in actual classrooms instead of theory,…

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Class Activities (week 5)

Class Activities (week 5)

Activity 1 A B A B A A B B B A 1. A is more constructive/descriptive and provides more insight 2. B is a very checklist statement, with less description and it sounds like they are just going through a rubric 3. A, as it shows that they are learning and provides insight to parents/guardians as to why they got what they got instead of checklist feedback.   Activity 2 Leisure Loves Performance Station Activity-compressed.pdf

Class Summary #5

Class Summary #5

In our last class, we had a our circle right at the beginning of class so that we could focus on that first, with the discussion surrounding chapters 7 and 8. Next on our to-do list we watched videos on Two Stars and One Wish, which was a way to give feedback in a nice and caring way instead of picking apart someone’s work. With the feedback model we got to test it out with a quick presentation from us…

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Circle Time #4

Circle Time #4

Recently, during circle time, we talked about how teachers can organize, label, verify, and explain evidence in education. We emphasized the importance of observing students as a valuable form of evidence, rather than just relying on tests or quizzes. One person stressed the need for consistency in collecting evidence to track students’ progress over time. We referenced the chapters which lists various behaviors that can be observed in students, showing how everyday interactions can provide rich evidence of learning. We…

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