Hello! My name is Karrah Derenisky and I’m a first year student at the University of Regina. I am currently on the road to a Primary Education degree through the Faculty of Education, and I plan to continue school afterwards to get my Masters in Educational Psychology! My dream is to be an Elementary School Counsellor or High School Guidance Counsellor! I have a passion to teach, and I am a big advocate for people with Mental Health struggles and Mental Illness. I believe that through proper education, we can end the stigma around Mental Illness. It is my goal to set up a safe space for my students to grow emotionally, mentally, and intellectually. I want my students to feel supported, cared about and loved. If there is one thing that I can teach students, it is that they matter and they are meant to be on this earth. A good teacher may be able to inspire students, but a great teacher changes lives!
Thank you for taking the time to visit my page! Feel free to leave any comments or contact me personally if you have any questions! Always happy to hear from you!