Who Am I?

Hi there! My name is Kate Johnson, and I am currently in the Elementary Education Program at the University of Regina. I grew up in Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan and moved to Regina for university in the fall of 2020. I grew up on an acreage with my older sister, older brother, younger sister, and parents. We have two dogs and two cats.

I am in the white shirt

I graduated from Carpenter High School in 2020, which everyone calls “The Forgotten Year” because of covid. When I applied to university, I originally applied for Kinesiology, but after two years, I decided to switch to Education. My interests are sports, but my favourite is baseball, and I play with a team every summer. I also enjoy recreational activities such as quadding, snowmobiling, downhill skiing, dirt biking, and water sports. My experiences and enjoyment of helping people have led me to Education.

I am in the green sweater

I am in the green

I am in the middle

I am in the hat