It has been a busy week at CEC! Our students have been working hard on different Terry Fox activities, learning all about a true Canadian hero. I have been working with a small group in ELA to practice good speaking and listening skills. The students loved watching a film on Kid President and looking for clues as to why he makes a good speaker. These are always funny to watch and I really like his overall message to incorporate into any lesson. We could all take advice from Kid President and “be more awesome”!
Our school wide Terry Fox run was scheduled for Wednesday. It was awesome to see everyone excited to take part with a police escort around town. Luckily, the rain stayed away so we could enjoy the day.
This week I felt busier with extra curricular events taking place. We were busy counting donations after school, participated in a Terry Fox run on Wednesday, had our first volleyball game for my JR girls out of town Wednesday night, had assembly on Thursday along with a visit from my advisor.
My faculty advisor came for our initial visit and observation on Thursday morning. I was nervous to have a new face in my classroom and taking notes. We have a great bunch of kids in our class so we never have too many problems, but they were especially well behaved today, thankfully! My advisor timed how long it took for them to get started after I introduced our health assignment and all 18 were working within 1 minute! Amazing! We have been learning about the new Canadian Food Guide. Today we played a game to practice our food groups and planned a healthy meal to show our families.
I have been working on getting more involved with SeeSaw and calling on the help of my teaching neighbors to help me figure it out. I was happy to have the opportunity to have the students post a photo of their work with a quick voice message to show off what we have been up to in health class. I am hoping to continue involving this technology in the classroom. My next goal is to assign an activity for my students to work on independently. This program is so user-friendly, I don’t doubt it will take them less time to manage than it took me!
Looking forward to another busy week.
Miss Philip

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