This week flew by after having Monday off for Thanksgiving! We all came back after a nice long weekend, with our buckets full from spending time with family and bellies full of turkey. 
The kids were busy preparing all week for their math test on Friday. We have been working hard to learn all about Numbers to 1000. Learning number sense is a big job. It seems that we take for granted how much goes into understanding number sense and grasping the concept but there are many components to understanding numbers. The students need to be able to understand the larger numbers, how they relate to others, be able to compare them, find them on a number line, say them, write them and represent them in multiple ways. I am often surprised by how much they learn in such a short time. Throughout the week we practiced in many ways, but their favorite way to practice math has been the Kahoot I created. They love the challenge and the opportunity to compete in a fun way with their peers. I am hoping to incorporate this again at a later date to motivate my students to love math. 

We had a special opportunity this week to participate in a Student Vote held by the Grade 10 class. We tried a mock vote in our ELA groups to get ready for the big day and talked about how important it is and how fortunate we are to be able to cast our vote for the leader of our country. It was an exciting time heading down to the gym to cast a vote and take part.

In social studies we began our unit on Cultural Diversity. We began by learning about what culture is. We brainstormed some ideas of what it means to be Canadian and talked about different cultures compared to our own. Next we learned about what a tradition is and how it is passed along from generation to generation. We took time to think about special traditions that each of our families take part in and shared with the group. The kids liked hearing about different celebrations and traditions that our classmates take part in. Coming up we will continue to learn about our own culture as well as Indigenous cultures throughout Canada.   

Until next time, 

Miss Philip

Kahoot makes math review fun in Grade 3!