Last week we created glitter jars for help in our mindfulness unit in health. We have been learning strategies to help us feel our best and to nourish our inner selves. My students have been waiting patiently to see the final product and be able to take them home. They were given the choice to leave it in their lockers for use at school or take it home. I have had reports that some are using their Glitter Jars to calm down before bed. What a great idea!
This week we learned about and compared 2 traditional Indigenous dances. First, we learned about the Jingle Dance. We looked at the intricate details of the jingle dress, listened to the drums at a powwow and practiced a few steps. Afterward we read the book The Rabbit Dance and worked as a group to learn the steps and choreography of this traditional Metis Dance. My students found many significant comparisons between the dances, including the choreography, the speed of the steps, the music and instruments that went along and the story and symbolism that each dance represented. I was so pleased with their comparisons!
After trying out the dance we revisited it another day to see what everyone remembered. I recorded their dancing so that they could view their performance. We completed a self-assessment of their actions, looking for areas of improvement on their performance and behaviour. We had a fun few days and learned a lot about Indigenous culture in the meantime.
In math, we began our addition unit with a review of different strategies for mental math. Most of my students have a great foundation in math, so we will be working on fluency to help improve going forward. I have set a goal for myself to be more prepared and purposeful in supporting my diverse learners in math class. I am learning that the right tool can mean the difference between a child’s success or frustration in learning new skills, so I want to do everything I can to support each one.
This week we also had a Spirit week at CEC and we celebrated each day of Education Week with a new theme. Wednesday was my favorite day, PJ’s and Pancakes. Everyone dressed in their coziest pajamas and came to school a little earlier so their favorite teachers could serve them a hot, pancake breakfast before class. What a great tradition to show our students how incredibly important they are.
I’m feeling extra appreciative this week to be part of this organization and grateful to be a member of this occupation because I know that we are making a difference in so many lives.
Beyond blessed,
Miss Philip

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