Today was the last day of pre-internship for this semester. It was a bittersweet feeling having accomplished this milestone, and yet I know I’m only halfway finished with pre-internship as I come back in March for 3 weeks.
I started my morning in the Grade 7 classroom. The students had a presentation the day before, teaching them about gaming and gambling. The first thing they had to do today was fill out a quiz about their own gaming habits. After they finished their quiz, they were asked to work on a blog post reflecting on their results. The students were asked if they were surprised by the results, how it made them feel, and if their self esteem was affected by their gaming experiences. The results were varied, some students had very low scores and others quite high, reporting that they play video games every day after school and their parents don’t care if that’s all they do.
Grade 7 is a different world than what I have gotten used to. I was met with skepticism from the students as I roamed around and interacted with them. I had one student outright ask me “Who are you and why are you here?”, some pushed back for having to do any work at all and others who were receptive to me and shared their blog openly.
After recess, I was back to my home base in the Grade 1 classroom. I was met by multiple hugs and high fives as I walked in the door, which reminded me of why I love being with the early elementary years so much. They are so enthusiastic!
My teaching partner taught her lesson on ELA where the students learned about a new word family. They really liked this, it was a fun activity where they had to roll a set of special dice to form the words with the AM word family. Then they colored the picture that matched the word. Great activity for the students that are struggling with their printing, they could still be really successful with the activity and have fun while learning.
After lunch, some of the students went off to the SLP while the other students practiced their spelling words on their personal whiteboards. After they worked on these for a while, they played Go Fish with their number cards with a partner until everyone came back together.
This is when I taught my math lesson. My professional goal today was to focus on giving clear directions and setting up expectations. I had a couple of activities so it was a good goal to practice on. We watched a 2 minute video on subitizing that the students loved. They got to review subitizing of tallies and dice before we started our lesson with Dominos. Each student got a handful of Dominos. They picked one out of the pile and drew the number of dots, wrote down the numbers on each side and created a number sentence with the total number of dots. This allowed the students to work on subitizing the numbers, counting on, and the early stages of addition. Everyone seemed to do a great job with this, I was able to move around the room and help out where I needed. When the students finished their sheet they could pick a partner and play a game together. The game was basically War with Dominos where each partner would choose a Domino from a pile and whoever had the biggest number of dots kept the pair. This was the first time they had played this so it was a little tricky with the rules, but most kids have played War with cards before so once they figured out that concept, they had lots of fun playing.
I was really proud of my lesson today. Not that it was overly complicated, but it was easily adapted to the different skill levels and was great for many different learning styles. The kids got tons of number sense practice and had fun doing it. I will definitely keep this activity in my toolbox for future lessons.
This has semester flown by so fast! Now that I have the last 7 weeks under my belt in the field, I am anxious to move on to the 3 week block in the classroom in March. I can’t wait to see how much the Grade 1s have learned and changed over the next few months. Stay tuned to hear about my first unit planning experience!