One of the most important things I will do in my future classroom will be to build healthy and strong connections with my students. If I can show my students that they can trust me to support them in all they do, I will be successful.

I believe every child has the ability to learn, if given the opportunity. Differentiated instruction is the key to providing this opportunity to all. Differentiation may involve providing instruction and assessment in different ways specific to different learners. I know that all students learn differently so I will use formative assessment to continually guide further instruction.

In the classroom, I want equal opportunity for all. I want my classroom to be inclusive, providing supports to everyone in need. One of my inspirational resources for inclusivity is Jennifer Katz and the Three Block Model of Universal Design for Learning. This model stresses the importance of providing accessibility to the academic and social life within the classroom. I think that the social aspect is something that is missing in many classrooms especially when there are vast developmental and cognitive abilities, however everyone wants to feel like they belong. Creating a community of acceptance is something I want in my classroom.

A strength based approach will also allow me to focus on what my students are already good at so they can build their confidence. I like this approach far better than continually trying to improve on weaknesses. Instilling the idea into my students that they may not be able to do something YET is also a very powerful approach and that is the type of positive language I want in my classroom.

I believe in clear and transparent communication with all stakeholders – student, parent, administration. Keeping expectations direct and in the open, students can feel comfortable that they will be successful. Communication with parents is vital, not only when things are going wrong with their child, but when they are doing well and showing use what they are capable of so we can all celebrate their successes together.

Overall as an educator, it is my responsibility to make sure that each student is thoughtfully considered and represented in lessons and that they can learn to their full potential in a safe, community atmosphere.