Week #3
Read over the criteria for Assignment 1. Take a look at the possible scholars and/or concepts/topics. Then, choose either a scholar or a topic/concept and begin to explore them/it. You might find a quote or an article that piques your interest. In your blog post, practice creating a short...
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ECS 203 week 2
Curriculum development from a traditionalist perspective is widely used across schools in Canada and other countries. Think about: (a) The ways in which you may have experienced the Tyler rationale in your own schooling; It can end up making a student feel like they have no voice or say...
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ECS 203
How does Kumashiro define ‘common sense?’ Why is it important to pay attention to ‘common sense’? What common sense understandings of curriculum and pedagogy do you bring into this course? Kumashiro brings to light how common sense where you grew up will be entirely different compared to other places...
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