ECS 203

How does Kumashiro define ‘commonsense?’ Why is it so important to pay attention to the ‘commonsense’? What commonsense understandings of curriculum and pedagogy do you bring with you into this course?

Throughout the reading, Kumashiro defined “commonsense” in a variety of ways. It has become clear to me that throughout the reading common sense shifts from community to community, and country to country. Commonsense isn’t something that individuals just know but is taught to them and learned throughout their lifetimes. Every place has different values, responsibilities, systems, and ways of life; which will shift the common sense from individual to individual all based on their own circumstances. As Kumashiro states in the reading, “Good teaching was not something that we needed to learn; rather, it was something we had already learned.” The reading, states how learning in Nepal is very different than in the USA, and how each has very different ways of life in terms of learning. It is important to pay attention to the “commonsense” in different places because everywhere you go everyone has a different idea of commonsense, it is never the same, so in different areas, your understanding may be offensive or go completely against that place’s values and beliefs. My understanding of commonsense within the curriculum and pedagogy that I am bringing into this class are to treat students with kindness, create a safe place for every individual, and overall be a person students and peers can trust, be comfortable with, and make strong connections with.

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