Digital Citizenship In The Classroom
Technology, more specifically the internet, is intertwined into every aspect of human life, whether we realize it or not. For this reason, I think digital citizenship should be a topic that is addressed throughout children’s education rather than subscribing to an “abstinence-only” (Jergenson, 2012) model that deprives students of information and education that is essential…
Trash to Treasure: Discard English Muffins
You were hoping for a post about Hermione, weren’t you? I get it, I kinda left you on a cliffhanger last week. I promise there will be a Hermione post next week. A very happy post at that!! Since Gerri was destined for the trash, I figured I’d at least make use of her discard…
Confused and Discouraged
Now isn’t that a title that just draws you in and makes you want to read more? Ugh I wish I had better news this week, but unfortunately, I do not. This time I followed this recipe from Gigi on Tiktok to the T. Ok, maybe not EXACTLY to the T because my scale maxed…