Trash to Treasure: Discard English Muffins

March 5, 2025 1 By Kendra Giuliano

You were hoping for a post about Hermione, weren’t you? I get it, I kinda left you on a cliffhanger last week. I promise there will be a Hermione post next week. A very happy post at that!!

Since Gerri was destined for the trash, I figured I’d at least make use of her discard before she went. Since I began my sourdough journey, I’ve been seeing posts about using the discard to make different things, but I never really paid much attention to it. Why use the discard when you can just make sourdough bread? Well, you use discard when your starter refuses to do what it’s supposed to, and making sourdough becomes more difficult than potty training a toddler! Sorry…residual anger haha

According to The Pantry Mama, you can keep sourdough discard in the fridge indefinitely if it’s from a mature starter*. Gerri was far from mature (she was more like an overtired infant), so I didn’t keep any of her in the fridge. Instead, I just skimmed some off of her to make some delicious English muffins!



With a name like Sourdough Dave, I was immediately convinced that he was not going to lead me astray. His video was short and to the point. Just what I want when I’m looking for a recipe. I also really appreciated that he put all the ingredients in the caption box (is that what it’s called?). It made it easy to screenshot, and refer to while I was piling everything into my mixer (whose name is Martin, in case you were wondering). It was really that easy, dump it in, and mix!



My muffins didn’t quite turn out a thick and fluffy as Dave’s did, but that likely has to do with the fact that Gerri has zero gumption to get stand up…ever. Luckily the recipe calls for yeast, which is probably what saved these English muffins from being total failures. Envision if you will, in the movie Inside Out, where Joy is dragging Sadness through long-term memory and doing everything possible to motivate her to do literally anything. That is what the yeast is doing with Gerri in these muffins. My kids and I appreciate Yeast’s hard work because even though they are a little thin, they are delicious!



* I LOVE a heading when I’m reading a blog post, specifically when I’m just looking for an answer to a question. The way The Pantry Mama organized her post made it very easy to quickly scroll through and find the information I was looking for. The one downside to her post is that it is flooded with ads, which makes for a distracting read. An extension would likely help clear this up, but I thought it was worth pointing out.