Click here to hear why Treaty 4 matters to me.
“Traditionally when I think of a teacher, I think of the colonial norm; someone standing in front of a room full of students talking at them. This is not the type of teaching that drew me to this profession, nor is it a system of teaching and learning that I would like to continue in. I decided to become a teacher because I love building relationships with children and being able to support and mentor them, and the way I experienced education was very different from that. It excites me that we are moving away from the colonial norm and adopting different ways of knowing and doing. Teachers are not meant to have all the answers, but I have a responsibility to start the conversation while at the same time, learning alongside my students. As a future educator, it is my responsibility to share the truths that I am learning with my students, make sure my students are represented in the classroom, and that the knowledge and knowing that they bring with them is respected and honoured.” – Journey Toward Reconciliation Project – Fall 2021