This week, I decided to document my ninth learning project post by taking a video on my Apple iPhone camera and posting it on YouTube. I played the song from the beginning to the end of the first verse. A few weeks ago I used iMovie to cut and paste clips of my video together to make it sound good. This time, I forced myself to play the part of the song that I know and have worked hard on in all one take.
It is very easy to post videos on YouTube and makes me feel better about posting my video on YouTube because it has an option to be ‘unlisted”, meaning that only people with the link can view my video.
I am getting better at playing “Piano Man” by Billy Joel, but I feel like I am a little behind where I want ot be at the point in the semester. I want to really push myself over the last few weeks to get the rest of the song practiced.
I hope you enjoy my video and the progress I have made over the last few weeks!
Hi Kenzie,
I love listening to the piano. My grandmother was so gifted at playing the piano before she got Alzheimer’s and now listening to the piano brings back memories of my grandma and all the times she use to sing to me while playing the piano.
Thanks for sharing!