This week, I did 4 modules on the Simply Piano app and began to learn the right handed chords for the song “Piano Man” by Billy Joel.
On the app, it took me through series of challenges to help me better understand how to play the piano. The cool thing about this app is that it can hear me play notes on my piano. If I play a wrong note, it makes me play the correct note before I can move on. I spent time reading notes, playing single notes and playing single notes with both hands together. It took me awhile to read notes off sheet music again but by the end of the modules, I could read notes fluently. I felt extra ambitious this week and began to learn some of the chords in “Piano Man” because most of the song is made up of chords. I watched a video that explained the difference between major and minor chords before I started trying out the song.
Then, I used the “Piano Man” YouTube video to help me understand where the chords are being played with my right hand and when I have to play them in the actual song.
To practice the right handed chords, I decided to slow down the video to 0.25x speed to help me stay on track and not get lost trying to figure out the notes/chords. Slowing down the video really helped me understand the notes I was playing and allowed me time to make sure my hands were in the correct place at all times. I am very happy that YouTube has this feature available to slow down any type of video, especially this one.
I will say that relearning the basics of the piano keys, the notes and where my hands need to go was easy but actually putting it all together and trying to replicate such an amazing song is going to be challenging. I was having a hard time even with the song video slowed down but I know that if I keep practicing a few times a week I will begin to start being able to play the song faster and faster. This week, I feel like I gained knowledge on reading notes, understanding the difference between major and minor chords and being able to play the chords of the song (even if it is slow).
Next week, I plan to try and learn the left handed chords and how to make notes quieter and louder when they are supposed to be.
This is super cool! I had no idea that you could full on learn the piano from an app!! I can’t wait to see if your successful!
Hi Kenzie, I think that is so neat your learning how to play the piano as this is something that takes a lot of skill and practice. The program that you mentioned sounds quite neat and I think I will defiantly take a look at it. I also think YouTube is an amazing online resource and I will be using it a lot through my learning journey this semester. I look forward to seeing how your journey unfolds this semester. Take Care!
Hello Kenizie! I am glad to see that there is another person that is learning how to play a certain song on the piano. YouTube is a great outlet for learning a song on the piano. I wish you the best of luck!
-Elyse Woodard
Hi Kenzie! I love the song Piano Man by Billy Joel! Great song choice especially for the learning project! The app that you used sounds cool and a great use of technology. Although I do not know how to play an instrument, I have a great amount of respect for people who do! This is amazing that you are trying to re-learn something. I am excited to see your progress throughout the semester. Thanks!