Self-Self Story#2

When I was in high school, the school sometimes would have engage in fire simulations. The generally is the fire alarms were played at random times during the day. Once heard the alarms, all students had to be evacuated from the school to the open space outside the school, and then waited until the bell rang three times before they could return to their classroom.
There was one time, the fire simulation had just ended. All the students were walking to the classroom where they were left. My classroom was on the second floor. At the that time, because I was ruining quite fast, so when I went upstairs, there was only one Asian girl and one white boy in the hallway, the girls were in the front, and the boys were in the back, and I was at the end. I didn’t know them. In addition, I think they may know each other, and I was relatively introverted during my high school, so I didn’t say hello.
Suddenly, the boy seemed to feel a little boring just walking, so he began to bothering the girl in front of him and wanted to flirt with her, but the girl didn’t want to care about the boy at all, so she ignored him, but the boy didn’t give up, so he continued his behavior. Finally, the girl became impatient and told the boy to “get off!”
The boy didn’t speak anymore, but his speed slowed down until he stood next to me. I don’t know why, but I thought he should have regarded me as his friend at the time, and then he whispered beside my ear: “Asian, am I right ?!”
I was stunned by his words at once! “What the hell!!” I yelled at him. At this time, the boy noticed me and my skin color. He was also a bit stunned. When he realize what his saying, he hurriedly apologized and ran into the wash room.

After that, I never saw this boy in school again, but I became the good friend with that Asian girl, but this incident also triggered me some thoughts. Although Canada is a country of diversity and inclusion, this boy obviously didn’t respect the Asian girl very much and made some discrimination, but these were subconscious. He knew that judging others by skin color was immoral, but he still did it in unconsciously. Although he apologized immediately, I think he apologized because for discovering that I was also an Asian girl, rather than sorry for what he did. I think that maybe skin color discrimination still exists in this world now, and subconscious changing the mind of the next generation, and the professional task of a teacher is to cut off the inheritance of this discriminatory thought.

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