Linguistic Landscape

picture 1 from City of Regina
picture 2 from google map

I chose a part of Cathedral Neighbourhood(picture 1), which is on 13th street(picture 2), this area is the center of the community.

The reason I chose this area is because I have participated in cultural festivals here before, so I am very interested in the history of this area. Every summer, this street will hold the Cathedral Village Festival Parade, there will be a parade and a market. At the market, you can buy tickets for Mosaic. Mosaic is an annual three-day festival celebrating Regina’s multicultural communities. During this period, there will be exhibitions from many countries for people to visit. In each exhibition, there will be traditional performances of this country to watch, introductions to this country and food sales. The ticket is designed to look like a passport. With this “passport” you can visit all the exhibition halls and each exhibition hall has their unique seal. Because of this unique festival, I started to be curious about this area and want to know its past history.

The Cathedral Area was established in 1903. The Cathedral Neighbourhood can be seen from its name. This is a community with strong Catholic religious beliefs. In 1913, Holy Rosary Cathedral was built on 13th Avenue, and this is where the area got its name With the construction of such buildings as Holy Rosary Cathedral, Sacred Heart Academy and Westminster Presbyterian Church, 13th Avenue quickly became the main streetscape of the neighborhood. In 1911, the establishment of the 13th Avenue tram line promoted the rapid development of this area, and it is also a prosperous commercial street until now.

The good environment and wealthy streets make this community one of the earliest and richest residential areas in Regina.

In the 1970s, inner-city neighbourhood problems emerged: population decline, housing quality and quantity decline, crime and social problems increased. The quality of the community at that time was gradually declining, and as the quality declined, more and more residents moved out of the community, forming a vicious circle. However, there are still residents who believe that the status quo needs to be changed. In 1975, the neighbors of the community gathered together and planned to organize some local entertainment activities to change the status quo. From this matter, they discovered their own potential to implement changes and help improve conditions. In 1976 In March, they formally established a community association in Westminster United Church on 13th street. With the efforts of community associations and the investment support of the public and private sectors, the situation in the community has improved. The cultural undertakings brought about by the influx of a large number of multiculturalism and new families have brought fresh blood to the community, and a rich and colorful multiculturalism It has also contributed to the revitalization of the area, making this area very multicultural and full of artistic atmosphere.

The reason I chose 13th street is that this street is not only the most central street in the community, it is also the center of many neighborhood activities. There are a lot of artists and shops selling special products from all over the world. On the walls and on the seats, you can often see the works of the artists. In the current community, not only white people live here, but immigrants from many different countries also live here. 

church for Local Christians and Korean Christians

There is a Christian church on king st, I thought everyone should speak English, but inside of this church was actually have Korean post.


A chinese medcine shop

A Chinese traditional medicinal material store located on 13th street. It displays the medicinal materials and puts them in a glass cabinet for people to visit. On the glass, the name of the shop is marked in English and Chinese, and the medicinal materials inside are also marked in Chinese and English. Opposite this shop is a supplementary shop for Christian church supplies written in English, and next to it is a shop selling meditation-related items, and its slogan contains Sanskrit (I think).

politics bord

A political poster with French and English on it. The content of the poster is about improving the economy by improving the road.

the welcome bord in front of early child learning centre

At the door of an office about children’s education, there is a sign saying “Welcome” in various languages, and in the center of the sign it says I am glad we’re neighbor

the filipino family restruame

On the windows of restaurants in the Philippines, there is a menu posted on the menu. Not only are there pictures on the menu, but the names are also marked under the pictures in English and Filipino.

thai restrum

This is a Thai food restrum, The title of the Thai restaurant is in English, but the slogan and part of the menu inside of the restaurant have the Thai version.

Canada post

In this post have both English and French written

More than one1
All languages in this community

It can be seen from the table that there are multiple languages in this community, but English is the majority.


Due to globalization and internationalization, immigrants can easily cross international borders around the world and bring their languages ​​to all parts of the world, this forming the current multiculturalism. Today, no matter where we stand in the world, different languages surrounds us, it ​​can be shaped into signs, advertisements, and shop signs. Such subtle effects allow more people to understand various languages ​​and how to use them.

From the classroom, I learned that all languages ​​in the world are important, and it is the teacher’s responsibility to teach about cultivate critical language awareness for students. I also learned the linguistic landscape in the classroom, this can provide important insights and differences in students’ language knowledge perspective. Base on my understanding of critical language awareness is still relatively lacking, and I am not particularly aware of its importance.

The country I currty live in is Canada, and the mainstream language in Canada is English, so I think the signs and advertisements I see on the street are basically written in English, until I walked around in this community, I discovered that different languages ​​and scripts have been incorporated into the daily lives of residents unknowingly. These words may not be very conspicuous in the most of the time, people may just skip these words quickly, but these characters still bring resdients some images, and these characters make up the landscape of this community. On this street, I saw many different languages. Although English and French appear more frequently, other languages ​​can also be seen. Because the history of this community has experienced a large number of immgration populations entering, so different languages ​​and cultures can often be seen in this community, and these languages ​​are part of the social and historical background of the community.

Although I did not see any signs or streets named in other languages, most of them writen in English or writen in other languages translate English, but when I walked on the street, I could see people of different skin colors speaking different languages. In restaurants selling exotic dishes, their menus all are bilingual, their own language and English

I am an international student, and Canada is a familiar and unfamiliar country to me, but in this community, I can feel some familiarity with my hometown. Although I am in Canada, surrounded by English characters, when I saw the bilingual sign of the Chinese herbal shop, hearing on the street someone use Chinese to chat, I knew that there were some things from my hometown. The existence of bilingualism helps people who do not understand Chinese understand these medicinal materials, and helps culture better spread, while providing different perspectives on the language. In the mean time, the linguistic landscape bring some of the comfort to the people who is first come to Canada.

Diversified languages ​​in this community are not only a means of communication and interaction, but also a way to teach students different cultures and help culture spread. In my opinion, the language landscape can provide important viewpoints and different perspectives for students from different countries, and it is also a guarantee for spreading and preserving the culture of various countries. Most importantly, it is also a comfort for students who have just arrived in Canada and do not understand English, letting them know that there are still some familiar things in this unfamiliar country.

In this diverse and globalized society, language landscape is an important part of the society. It is not only an important language learning resource for society, a comfort for new immigrants, but also a guarantee for cultural protection.

Work Cite 

CATHEDRAL VILLAGE ONLINE. (2020, November 25). About. Cathedral Village Online. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from

city of Regina. (2021). Centre Square Walking Tour – regina, Saskatchewan. Regina Walking Tours. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from