My Journey Towards Truth and Reconciliation

My Aesthetic Presentation

Explanation of My Aesthetic Representation: The nun represents the residential school system. She holds a bird cage in her left hand, the cage contains a bird this bird represents the voice and language of the first nation people, the nun holding the scissors in her right hand, the scissors represents the culture of first nation been cut off, because the children were forced to be taken to the residential school without being with their parents, the cultural heritage of fist nation was forced to be cut off.  In front of the nun, there is a cross, which represents the children who died in the residential school, and there’s a fist nation girl crying behind the cross, her body covered with scars, the cross represents the first nation children who died in the residential school, and the little girl is the epitome of all the first nation children who been in the residential school, these children are isolated and been abused.  The black on the board represents the feeling, depression, and sadness that the past history of the residential school system has brought me.  However, there is green in front of black. I did not use green on a large scale, but painted green in the direction facing the statue. Green represents reconciliation and at the same time it represents a bright future with infinite possibilities. Although people can no longer change history, with reconciliation and remembering history, people can avoid the repetition of history and create a better future.