Response #3

Week #9

I have never heard of the word “Vocal Fry”. Then I learn about it is also called “creaky voice,” vocal fry refers to the low, guttural vibrations that sometimes occur in speech, often appearing at the end of sentences. This is a very significant

Once the voice appears, all eyes will be focused on this voice. Personally, I am not interested in this way of speaking, but it is obvious that many young people prefer this way of speaking because they think it is a fashion to use this way of speaking, and there are many celebrities who use this way of speaking, because of the celebrity effect, their fans imitate their actions and learn their ways of speaking, and in some cases, people did not even realize they are doing this.

It is a normal phenomenon to change the way of speaking, especially in younger grades. Such people are willing to accept new information and become popular. This way of speaking is not limited to gender, men can also make this voice. This way of speaking is considered to be stylish and popular with the public, but this way appears in academic occasions, and people who make this kind of voice, especially women, will be regarded as not rigorous.

The way of speaking does not represent personal professionalism and academicism, it is just a personal preference. When you hear someone using “Vocal Fry” to make a speech, you should pay more attention to the content of her words rather than the way she speaks.

week 10

This week we discussed international students. This topic feels link to me, because I have been an international student since high school. I know that my tuition fee are three times more expensive than my other local classmates, and I am not even going to a private school, if I go to a private school will cost even more. I know that the tuition fee of international students is a very important income for the Canadian education system. During the high school period, the tuition fee of international students is two to three times that of Canadian students, and this number rise every year.

There are many reasons for coming to study in Canada, from the competitive pressure of the home country to Canada’s education system. So wealthier parents will send their offspring to countries with less competitive pressure in the West. To be honest, I am personally very uncomfortable with the competitive pressures of my home country. When I was in school in China, which led to me to stressed to eat, I gained 30 pounds in one semester, and I have begun to give up on myself, depressed and no longer care about studying. My mother knew that my condition was very serious, so she hoped that I would leave the school and that environment at the time, and my aunt was in Canada, so she chose to let me study in Canada.

Most of these teenage and young adult children stay alone on this unfamiliar land, share rent or stay with a host family, while their parents work in their home country. These children often feel lonely because they rarely have the opportunity to be with their family, and may only see their family once a year. I would go home and spend my summer vacation with my family, but when I started to go to college and due to the virus, I hadn’t been home for three years, and I missed my family so much.

Some children may not be in contact with their parents from a very young age, causing a crack in the relationship between parents and children, and the children may hate the behavior of their mother or father. Many children choose to stay instead of returning to work in their home country after graduation, because they are unwilling to leave the environment they are already familiar with and return to the “unfamiliar” home country, but their parents generally want them to return to their home country and their families Together, this conflict leads to conflicts between parents and children.

week 11

no class, no reading

week 12

Thank to the rapid development of technology, people can use multiple methods to understand the meaning of languages ​​that they are not familiar with, such as online translation and query words. The content of these translations may not be completely in accordance with the original meaning, but the basic understanding It can be done, which allows people from all over the world to communicate with each other better and facilitates language learning.

People learn languages ​​for various reasons: to change their destiny, to reunite with their families. They became teachers by learning English and then came to Western countries. But as a teacher, many people think that your teacher’s spoken English should be without an accent, and should be very standard English. The reason is that as a teacher, students will follow the teacher as an example and imitate the teacher’s behavior and language, so parents want to guide their children Of teachers have standard spoken English.

When instructing non-native English students, teachers may pursue a unified, standard English that is the same as the country they live in. But in fact, there is no way of English that is correct. English with an accent is very normal. One thing is that even Western countries whose mother tongue is English will bring spoken English. These spoken English is part of the students’ personal identity, so teachers don’t need to pursue the same accent for all students. This is unrealistic. At the same time, it also negates the practice of student status.

This is a kind of mother tongue doctrine. This doctrine believes that the so-called “native speakers” are the best role models and teachers in English, because they represent a kind of “Western culture”, so their methods must be the most standard, from the subconscious mind. Identifying white people takes precedence over other possible racial identities, which makes mother tongue and racism intertwined. The existence of an accent does not represent an individual’s English level, and everyone has their own unique understanding of the English language. Teachers need to have a moral responsibility for students to cultivate language awareness, and abandon the prejudice of native speakers as the standard.

week 13

Not all children are healthy. Some children will lose their hearing function due to some diseases or accidents, but this does not mean that children cannot carry out normal education and learning. Children are put in that kind of school to study.

In order not to treat them differently, children can study in public schools like other children. However, when children are young, they may not be able to understand what hearing loss means. Therefore, when they get along with children with hearing loss, they may be affected by communication. Unpleasant and difficult to get along with, like in “The Deaf Body in Public Space”, the author is accused by her classmates for sign language, because they are educated that it is impolite to point in front of others, but the effect of sign language It is the use of hands to replace the mouth to achieve the role of communication. Therefore, if children with hearing loss are taught with other children in a public school, then this school is best to set up a course on sign language, so that more students can learn and understand Sign language in order to better communicate and prevent children with hearing loss from feeling that they don’t belong here in school.

In addition to public schools, there are special hearing-impaired schools where you can learn. The benefits are the same children in the school, so there will be no discrimination caused by not understanding each other, and children will not feel lonely. My personal opinion is that this kind of school will be the most suitable for these students, but at the same time, I have also wondered whether to put the hearing-impaired children in a school, does this exclude these children from public education? When they leave school, will they be unable to communicate with people outside the school?

Some people think that hearing impairment is not a disability, because their function is basically the same as that of a healthy person, except that they can’t hear the sound. So they learned to read the lips to understand what others are saying, but this skill requires a lot of money. time. I personally think that the best way to educate children with hearing impairment is to let more people know some basic sign language and understand the hearing impaired community so that the hearing impaired children will not feel excluded.