The semester has come to an end and with has come the time to share how contributed to the learning of others. Check out my Summary of Learning Google Slideshow, which shows the receipts of everything I discuss below.

I didn’t get to interact on the discord as much as I wanted to. I often found myself being to late to respond to fellow classmates as someone else would give an answer first. I also didn’t share any resources as that was done through my blog. However, I did have a couple interactions where I was able to help my classmates with questions.
Blog Post Comments

Throughout the course I left many comments on a variety of classmates blog posts. I feel that I was able to give some good advice, offer my opinion on topics and give motivation to classmates on their learning project posts through these comments. As I experienced with comments on my posts sometimes just getting a positive message can go a long way for motivating you to keep going especially if you are struggling. I feel my comments were helpful for helping others succeed in this course.
Blog Posts

During this course I uploaded all of my blog posts on time, which allowed my fellow classmates to read them and leave comments while the given topic was still fresh in their minds. I was also able to share my opinions and perspectives with others to get them thinking perhaps in a different way. Finally, I shared resources through my blog posts and on my e portfolio for others to find and learn from.
During lectures I participated in activities and shared my opinions and perspectives in break out rooms. I feel that I was able to provide some good input and create meaningful discussion about important topics we discussed in class
Overall, I feel like I did a decent amount to help my peers learn in this class. While my discord use wasn’t the great, I think my blog post contributions, blog post comments and contributions during lectures contributed in a meaningful way to helping my classmates learn.